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N64特殊杯(N64 Special Cup)——欧美最佳马里奥卡丁车特别杯

[导读]:特殊杯欧美最佳马里奥卡丁车特别杯在欧美最佳马里奥卡丁车特别杯中排名第3名。 ·······································································...

N64特殊杯(N64 Special Cup)——欧美最佳马里奥卡丁车特别杯






The first "Special" cup that wasn't even special because it like all other cups was already unlocked from the start. The Rainbow Road in this game is the easiest one. The hardest tracks, Toad's Turnpike and Bowser's Castle, aren't even in this cup.


这个杯子很特别。虽然不一定特别好。但我没说它不好,是吗?首先是游戏中最好的球场之一,DK的丛林公园道,它的丛林环境和音乐让人叹为观止。Yoshi Valley和Banshee Boardwalk也是非常棒的赛道,但是彩虹路是有史以来最大的打鼾,阻止了这条赛道达到前两名。6分钟50毫升,但有护栏无处不在?不用了,谢谢!音乐是好的,虽然这并不意味着它是坏的,但仍然

This cup is quite special. Not special in a good way necessarily though. But I didn't say it's bad, did I? It starts off with one of the best courses in the game, DK's Jungle Parkway, which looks stunning with its jungle enviroment and music. Yoshi Valley and Banshee Boardwalk are also really great tracks too, but Rainbow Road is the biggest snorefest ever and prevented this track from reaching the top two. 6 minutes on 50cc but there are guardrails everywhere? No, thank you! Music is good though which doesn't make it bad but still. - darthvadern


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