首页 > 生活常识 > 马里奥赛道2日食(Mario Circuit 2Eclipsmondarthvadern)——欧美最喜欢的超级马里奥卡丁车日食轨道

马里奥赛道2日食(Mario Circuit 2Eclipsmondarthvadern)——欧美最喜欢的超级马里奥卡丁车日食轨道

[导读]:马里奥赛道2日食(Mario Circuit 2Eclipsmondarthvadern)——欧美最喜欢的超级马里奥卡丁车日食轨道在欧美最喜欢的超级马里奥卡丁车日食轨道中排名第9名。 ····························...
马里奥赛道2日食(Mario Circuit 2Eclipsmondarthvadern)——欧美最喜欢的超级马里奥卡丁车日食轨道在欧美最喜欢的超级马里奥卡丁车日食轨道中排名第9名。





The circuits in this game are so bland, that when a track has one thing different from the other track, it really stand out. Rainbow Road is a good enough example, but Mario Circuit 2 is the best example, since there is one cool jump over a part of the track that is cool because of how unique it is from other obstacles. In Super Circuit though, sicne there are jumps like this all the time, this track is less unique. - Eclipsmon



Definitely one of the best Mario Circuits in the game (this and 4), the roads are wide enough to make it not irritating and the huge jump is the only one in the entire game. - darthvadern


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