首页 > 生活常识 > 香草湖2日食darthvadern(Vanilla Lake 2Eclipsmondarthvadern)——欧美最喜欢的超级马里奥卡丁车日食轨道

香草湖2日食darthvadern(Vanilla Lake 2Eclipsmondarthvadern)——欧美最喜欢的超级马里奥卡丁车日食轨道

[导读]:香草湖2日食darthvadern(Vanilla Lake 2Eclipsmondarthvadern)——欧美最喜欢的超级马里奥卡丁车日食轨道在欧美最喜欢的超级马里奥卡丁车日食轨道中排名第1名。 ··························...
香草湖2日食darthvadern(Vanilla Lake 2Eclipsmondarthvadern)——欧美最喜欢的超级马里奥卡丁车日食轨道在欧美最喜欢的超级马里奥卡丁车日食轨道中排名第1名。





At number 1, we have what is possibly the most underrated Mario Kart track of all time: Vanilla Lake 2. People hate it for the ice blocks and ice physics, but personally I never thought ice physic was annoying in any Mario Kart games. As for the ice blocks, they are basically like any obstacles: you dodge them, and if you don't, too bad for you. It's just that those blocks are harder to dodge than most Mario Kart obstacles, inexchange of not hurting you. Plus they disapear after hitting them once, making them a unique obstacle, that makes this track cool. Plus this track as a risk vs reward situation where you can either try to dodge the ice blocks or go to a faster route where you need to jump from icebergs to icebergs, but where you risk falling in the water. That adds this track a lot of depth, that makes this track awesome, and I would love to see it remade with the water now being explorable. - Eclipsmon



I so agree with you. Vanilla Lake 2 was definitely the best course in the game, due to the risk vs. reward design. The Vanilla Lake tracks also look the best out of any tracks in the game, which is another plus. - darthvadern


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